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It's funny how people can't see
Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2004 - 12:18 a.m.

It makes me laugh, she's said on multiple occasions that she wishes she were sexy. When she goes clubbing she looks like this:

What I wouldn't give to be able to look like that, the best I get is:

::sigh:: I will never look that good.

Piskie - 2004-08-11 09:58:02
Cat, honey, you are beautiful. And just you wait and see, when you start dropping those pounds like hot potatos we are going to have to beat the men and women off you. Stick with when you're doing, and in no time, you will be amazed. You know where to find me if you ever need some encouragement. Or a belly dancing partner. :)
Nate - 2004-08-11 22:29:29
I love you Caitlin. There's are many reasons I have absolutley no qualms about crawling into bed with you at 4 in the morning, not the least of which is because you're beautiful. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I also happen to never look for an excuse for a kiss from you. *Beams* I love you Caitlin no matter what. But you already knew that. Take care!
Joyia - 2004-08-12 14:09:18
Pretty pretty pretty Girlfriend! Your lovely my dear :)
Tiaelle - 2004-08-14 10:27:40
Those pics came out great! You look stunning in your corset...I know because I got to lace you up! :P

yesterday - tomorrow - 4 comments so far