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I think I struck a Nerve
Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2004 - 11:34 p.m.

Whatever. I am entitled to write my opinion in here, actually, I'm allowed to write whatever I want, about anything I want in here. No Justification needed (even if I have it). If you don't like it that's not my problem. If you're not willing to entertain the notion that I might be right, that's fine, me writing something in here is not me shoving something down your throat.

As a note to anyone who considers themselves my friends: If anything written in this journal about Avigen is delusional, and completely off mark, please, by all means feel to write about it in your own personal journals. Hell, even if your not my friend, and think that I'm somehow thinking this thing through wrong, or I've got a thought process that is self destructive, by all means type to your hearts content. If I read your journal, who knows, I may see things in a new light, it may help me deal with any unresolved feelings. If it doesn't, and I think it's complete and total bullshit I'll either ignore it, or vent about it in here, but I'll live, and (more importantly) I'll get over it.

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