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Brain Stew
Thursday, Sept. 09, 2004 - 2:48 p.m.

So Joyia IMed me today, and we were talking. She said at one point that I should move up there with her. I said no, but it's been whirrling around my head ever since. What is holding me here? Friends, and gaming. There's Gaming up there, and friends, and my girlfriend...

::checks the scales::

It wouldn't be something that I'd go do tomorrow or even next month really. But if I go to the bartending school, and can get my car fixed up, and find a job up there, well, I'd still be in MA, and it's only two hours away. I might even be able to stay in some of the games I'm in now. I'd be willing to do the drive once or twice a week...

It depends on a lot of things though, I'm by no means decided on this, it's just something that's still rattling around my big bored unemployed brain... It would depend if Joyia had an apartment or was still at her parents house (I have no real desire to live with her parents, even if it is out in the barn, nor do I think they would really want me there). My car would have to be running. I'd need to have my own computer (not be borrowing one from saytr while he's away). I'd have to have money saved up. I'd need to be sure that I could get a job up there. I'd have to get cages for all my snakes (I don't think SnakeLady would let me take the tanky thingie I'm borrowing from her up with me).

It's not really a question of weather or not I want to be up there, I'd obviously love to be closer to my girlfriend, I don't think I'd feel as stressed, and I know I wouldn't be so lonely, and I wouldn't feel like I'm the third wheel, which is a feeling I've been getting more and more around here... I just don't want to run away from all my friends here, and part of me is afraid that that's what I'd be doing.


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