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Shopping with Mom
Jun. 24, 2005 - 01:24

So I went shopping with mom today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We went shopping because my cousin is getting married tomorrow, and neither of us had anything to wear. My mom found this great dress at TJMaxx, and I put together an outfit at Torrid, and resigned myself to the fact that I am horribly fat, and look like an over stuffed sausage in anything that I put on my body.
Here's the thing. I have fashon sense, It's one of those things that nobody really realizes about me. If you put me in a store, I can put together any number of fantastic outfits, it just so happens that if those outfits are intended for me, I look horrible in them. It takes me forever to find clothes that look good on my body shape. It's frustrating, mainly because it's my own damn fault. I also hate to face the fact that I am insecure about myself. Most of the time I can ignore the part of me that hates me. Clothes shopping is one of those times when I can't. I felt really bad after we left the store, but then I found a really cute pair of shoes. I know how flighty that makes me sound, but I was upset because of clothes, so it makes sense in some way that a different clothes related item should end up making me feel better.

And actually, when I got home, I tried on the outfit agian, and I really like it now. I didn't take the time to really play around with it in the store, so it wasn't falling the way that it should. Now I've figured out how to wear the clothes, and I feel better.

Oh, and thank Goddess for new bras. I am the pround owner of happy boobies...

I should probably get to sleep now. I'll write more later.

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