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Like a Moth to a Flame,
Jul. 29, 2005 - 02:15

Imagine you're walking home one night. It's dark, but you know the way to your house without even thinking about it, besides, you can see your pourch light from here. the door slamming behind you jarrs you out of your world of thought, and when you look around, you see that not only were you wrong about that pourch light being yours, but that there are 15 dead bodies on the floor around you, and you weren't paying enough attention on the way in to figure out how to leave again. Congradulations, you are one of the many moths who have climed into the light fixture in my bathroom. Please, flail around loudly until you pass out, It scares the bejesus out of me when I'm taking a piss at 2:00 in the morning

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