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Bloody entry: suck!!!
Oct. 19, 2005 - 04:09

Tonight was not the best night of my life, granted, it wasn�t the explosive electric shuffle fireworks display that the other night was, but at least there was a concrete reason for what happened the other night.

I was bored out of my skull all night. There was nothing to do. I packed a bit more of my stuff up, I wrote to These nice people to see if they had any job openings, but other than that I pretty much sat around and did nothing.

I�m still getting my period. Today marks the 9th day in a row that I�ve been bleeding. I�d be more worried if I weren�t always fucked up in that department.

The last part of this is rather graphic, consider yourself warned. I use a Diva cup during my fluxx. To go off on a slight tangent, ladies, if you�ve never looked into these, do yourself a favor, and read up on them. This is a really great alternative to tampons and pads. It doesn�t absorb extra body fluids, there�s no pesky string hanging out your cootch, it�s better for the environment, and in the long run, it�s so much cheaper. Anyway, as I was removing my diva cup to empty it tonight, I lost my grip, and it went splashing into the toilet bowl I had just urinated into. How thrilled was I? I learned something tonight: Diva cups don�t float. Luckily, we have latex gloves under the sink, so I just slipped one on and grabbed it out. Still, ugh.

Now, it�s about 4:30 in the morning, and I can�t sleep because I�m constipated. I feel like there�s a party in my ass, and eveyone�s trying to be invited.

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