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Is it so much to ask that I have a non changing schedual?
Jan. 01, 2006 - 21:22

So I got up at 7 this morning, so that Mom, Dad, one of my sisters and I could drive three hours North to spend time with my father�s mother, and her husband. Both of whom I can�t stand. We had a New Years Dinner at 2 in the afternoon, and I listened to her husband talk about a bunch of political crap that I couldn�t care less about. Then we drove 3 hours home, most of that time I was on the verge of throwing up (yay motion sickness) and then came home to 2 messages from target. One was phoned in at 10:50 saying that they just wanted to remind me that I was working at 11 (which I wasn�t according to the schedule that was posted last week). Then I got another message at about 12:45 saying that they wanted to know where I was since they called me yesterday (which they didn�t, someone was home all day, and we never got a call) to tell me about the change in the schedule. They went on to tell me that according to the new schedule, I had monday off (mine said that I was supposed to work 2:45 to 11 on monday) and that I was working 11-7 on Tuesday. So I called to let a team lead know what had happened, and why I hadn�t showed up. The team leader was on her break, so she told the operator to call me back and tell me to come in tomorrow 11-7. I talked to the Team Leader (Valerie) and let her know what was going on. she said that I could come in tomorrow from 11 to 7 since I missed my hours today, and also to make sure that My manager (Victor) knew what was going on. I am beyond frustrated with this, especially since this isn�t the first time they�ve been jerking me around schedule wise.

When I was hired, I was given my first two weeks worth of scheduling. No problem. I worked those, and when they posted the store schedule for what would have been my third week (last week). I was listed, but didn�t have any hours. I talked to Victor, and asked him to put me on the schedule, he said no problem, he would have a schedule for me by the end of the day.. This was the monday of my second week. By Saturday, he still hadn�t gotten around to doing it, even though I�d asked him twice more. I called the store monday morning, and he said I could come in. Still I wasn�t on the schedule. I told him to call me when he got me on the schedule, and he agreed that may be a better way to go about it. Thursday, I get a call from an operator (who I haven�t met yet). She asks if I know that I�m not on the schedule. I say yes, she says I�ll call you back and hangs up. about 30 minutes later, I get a call from another girl I work with, and she says that I should come in 3:30 to close. Fine, no problem. My mom and I had made plans, but it�s only 11, and we can do it another day. I go in for 3:30, and discover that the operator who had called me that morning had called in one of the other operators (vanessa) because she (the one I haven�t met yet) didn�t want to put clothes away. Vanessa got pissed and went home, and the first operator was scared that Vanessa might not come in for her shift that night because of the whole thing, so she talks to one of the team leads, and has me come in. Vanessa is rip shit when she gets to work, and I feel totally jerked around. Then the whole thing today. I think I need to look for another job. I can deal with all the catty talk, and the crappiness of the job itself, but I do not want to deal with not knowing when I�m going to work. Especially when I know I need to take time off in August for Gencon, and in September for Allison�s birthday party. I think I�ll call Victor tomorrow, explain that I have things to do, and spend the day looking for work somewhere else.

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